Manmohan Anchan is a senior advertising professional with an illustrious career.
He spent 15 years with Ogilvy and Mather Advertising, by the end of which he had been Creative Director for 8 years and a national creative resource.
Some of his work on clients like Titan Watches, Allen Solly, Lee, Louis Philippe, TVS, IBM, 3M, Indigo Nation, Scullers, Reliance Trends, Wipro Technologies and Hindustan Levers has been commended at prestigious international advertising awards like The One Show (New York), Cannes, New York Art Director’s Index, and Clio.
Manmohan has been on the jury at the Asia Pacific Ad Festival 2002, ABBY Mumbai 2008 and Bangalore Advertising Awards 2000 & 2004.
Photography and film-making are crafts he has honed over the years, having directed over 25 advertising films and numerous photography assignments.
A passionate artist, his interests include painting, sketching and sculpture. His bronze sculptures occupy pride of place in the permanent collection at The Lalit Kala Academi. He has won the Kerala State Film Award as Best Art Director 2005 for a Malayalam feature film.
In 2004 Manmohan founded Temple Advertising, a boutique agency that was later acquired by WPP. He served as Chief Creative Officer at Bates CHI & Partners from 2014 to 2017.

Brand Works
- Alliance UniversityJanuary 7, 2019Alliance University
- Scullers TrousersSeptember 26, 2018Scullers Trousers
Scullers Trousers
- VoyallaSeptember 26, 2018Voyalla
- J21 CampusSeptember 26, 2018J21 Campus
J21 Campus
- D J21 Campus Denim BohoSeptember 26, 2018D J21 Campus Denim Boho
D J21 Campus Denim Boho
- J21 BohoSeptember 26, 2018J21 Boho
J21 Boho
- C Creative NationSeptember 26, 2018C Creative Nation
C Creative Nation
- Jealous 21 Poweer Puff TeeSeptember 26, 2018Jealous 21 Poweer Puff Tee
Jealous 21 Poweer Puff Tee
- Scullers OutdoorSeptember 26, 2018Scullers Outdoor
Scullers Outdoor
- Dwaraka BeachSeptember 26, 2018Dwaraka Beach
Dwaraka Beach
- B Indigo Startup 2September 26, 2018B Indigo Startup 2
B Indigo Startup 2
- J21 INDigoSeptember 26, 2018J21 INDigo
J21 INDigo
- Jealous Boho Indigo StudioSeptember 26, 2018Jealous Boho Indigo Studio
Jealous Boho Indigo Studio
- J21 ButtoutSeptember 26, 2018J21 Buttout
J21 Buttout
- Mini KlubSeptember 26, 2018Mini Klub
Mini Klub
- A Indigo Startup 1September 26, 2018A Indigo Startup 1
A Indigo Startup 1
- J21 Denim EssentialsSeptember 26, 2018J21 Denim Essentials
J21 Denim Essentials
- IndigoSeptember 27, 2018Indigo
- OngoSeptember 27, 2018Ongo
- Titan EdgeSeptember 27, 2018Titan Edge
Titan Edge
- ScullersSeptember 27, 2018Scullers
- Titan CrownNovember 28, 2018Titan Crown
- Titan SlimSeptember 27, 2018Titan Slim
Titan Slim
- Louis PhillipeSeptember 27, 2018Louis Phillipe
Louis Phillipe
- Mini KlubSeptember 27, 2018Mini Klub
Mini Klub
- Indigo LookbookSeptember 27, 2018Indigo Lookbook
Indigo Lookbook
- Louis Phillips spiritusSeptember 27, 2018Louis Phillips spiritus
Louis Phillips spiritus
- EnamorSeptember 27, 2018Enamor
- Louis Phillipe for CrySeptember 27, 2018Louis Phillipe for Cry
Louis Phillipe for Cry
- EruditeSeptember 27, 2018Erudite
- SatvaSeptember 27, 2018Satva
- UP Cycle of Growth CardSeptember 27, 2018UP Cycle of Growth Card
UP Cycle of Growth Card
- DiyaSeptember 27, 2018Diya
- Au HomSeptember 27, 2018Au Hom
Au Hom
- BogglesSeptember 27, 2018Boggles
- EnamorSeptember 27, 2018Enamor
- Typography 5October 5, 2018Typography 5
Typography 5
- KavachSeptember 27, 2018Kavach
- Typography 6October 5, 2018Typography 6
Typography 6
- Typography 1October 5, 2018Typography 1
Typography 1
- AvaasaSeptember 27, 2018Avaasa
- Akilesh Yatra TrophySeptember 27, 2018Akilesh Yatra Trophy
Akilesh Yatra Trophy
- Typography 2October 5, 2018Typography 2
Typography 2
- Typography 4October 5, 2018Typography 4
Typography 4
- Typography 3October 5, 2018Typography 3
Typography 3
- Home LenzSeptember 27, 2018Home Lenz
Home Lenz
- TVS Heavy Duty – SikshaOctober 20, 2018TVS Heavy Duty – Siksha
- Deccan ChronicleOctober 20, 2018Deccan Chronicle
- Kurlon WardrobesOctober 20, 2018Kurlon Wardrobes
- Kurlon DiningOctober 20, 2018Kurlon Dining
- Kurlon – ErasioOctober 20, 2018Kurlon – Erasio
- Stammer CureOctober 20, 2018Stammer Cure
- TVS Heavy Duty WaterOctober 20, 2018TVS Heavy Duty Water
- Save WaterOctober 20, 2018Save Water
- Deluux Green TeaOctober 20, 2018Deluux Green Tea
- Kurlon SofaOctober 20, 2018Kurlon Sofa
- Kurlon FurnitureOctober 20, 2018Kurlon Furniture
- Titan RegaliaOctober 20, 2018Titan Regalia
- Poppy PlantSeptember 25, 2018Poppy Plant
Poppy Plant
- Performax – Sports WearSeptember 27, 2018Performax – Sports Wear
Performax - Sports Wear
- NoirSeptember 27, 2018Noir
- PurpSeptember 25, 2018Purp
- The LumpSeptember 25, 2018The Lump
The Lump
- Still lifeSeptember 25, 2018Still life
Still life
- FestivalSeptember 25, 2018Festival
- Be my SantaSeptember 27, 2018Be my Santa
Be my Santa
- Love BlrSeptember 27, 2018Love Blr
Love Blr
- StressedSeptember 25, 2018Stressed
- KolaataSeptember 25, 2018Kolaata
- DogsSeptember 25, 2018Dogs
- Cock FightSeptember 25, 2018Cock Fight
Cock Fight
- GaneshSeptember 25, 2018Ganesh
- Ganesh 2September 25, 2018Ganesh 2
Ganesh 2
- SwensensSeptember 27, 2018Swensens
- J21 BohoSeptember 26, 2018J21 Boho
J21 Boho
- J21 CampusSeptember 26, 2018J21 Campus
J21 Campus
- Scullers OutdoorSeptember 26, 2018Scullers Outdoor
Scullers Outdoor
- Mini KlubSeptember 26, 2018Mini Klub
Mini Klub
- Dwaraka BeachSeptember 26, 2018Dwaraka Beach
Dwaraka Beach
- Alliance UniversityJanuary 7, 2019Alliance University
- J21 Denim EssentialsSeptember 26, 2018J21 Denim Essentials
J21 Denim Essentials
- J21 ButtoutSeptember 26, 2018J21 Buttout
J21 Buttout
- A Indigo Startup 1September 26, 2018A Indigo Startup 1
A Indigo Startup 1
- J21 INDigoSeptember 26, 2018J21 INDigo
J21 INDigo
- C Creative NationSeptember 26, 2018C Creative Nation
C Creative Nation
- Jealous Boho Indigo StudioSeptember 26, 2018Jealous Boho Indigo Studio
Jealous Boho Indigo Studio
- D J21 Campus Denim BohoSeptember 26, 2018D J21 Campus Denim Boho
D J21 Campus Denim Boho
- Scullers TrousersSeptember 26, 2018Scullers Trousers
Scullers Trousers
- Jealous 21 Poweer Puff TeeSeptember 26, 2018Jealous 21 Poweer Puff Tee
Jealous 21 Poweer Puff Tee
- B Indigo Startup 2September 26, 2018B Indigo Startup 2
B Indigo Startup 2
- VoyallaSeptember 26, 2018Voyalla
- Mini KlubSeptember 27, 2018Mini Klub
Mini Klub
- ScullersSeptember 27, 2018Scullers
- EnamorSeptember 27, 2018Enamor
- Indigo LookbookSeptember 27, 2018Indigo Lookbook
Indigo Lookbook
- Titan SlimSeptember 27, 2018Titan Slim
Titan Slim
- Louis Phillips spiritusSeptember 27, 2018Louis Phillips spiritus
Louis Phillips spiritus
- Titan EdgeSeptember 27, 2018Titan Edge
Titan Edge
- Louis PhillipeSeptember 27, 2018Louis Phillipe
Louis Phillipe
- SatvaSeptember 27, 2018Satva
- Titan CrownNovember 28, 2018Titan Crown
- OngoSeptember 27, 2018Ongo
- Louis Phillipe for CrySeptember 27, 2018Louis Phillipe for Cry
Louis Phillipe for Cry
- EruditeSeptember 27, 2018Erudite
- IndigoSeptember 27, 2018Indigo
- KavachSeptember 27, 2018Kavach
- DiyaSeptember 27, 2018Diya
- Typography 2October 5, 2018Typography 2
Typography 2
- Typography 4October 5, 2018Typography 4
Typography 4
- Akilesh Yatra TrophySeptember 27, 2018Akilesh Yatra Trophy
Akilesh Yatra Trophy
- BogglesSeptember 27, 2018Boggles
- UP Cycle of Growth CardSeptember 27, 2018UP Cycle of Growth Card
UP Cycle of Growth Card
- Typography 1October 5, 2018Typography 1
Typography 1
- Typography 5October 5, 2018Typography 5
Typography 5
- Typography 3October 5, 2018Typography 3
Typography 3
- Home LenzSeptember 27, 2018Home Lenz
Home Lenz
- AvaasaSeptember 27, 2018Avaasa
- Au HomSeptember 27, 2018Au Hom
Au Hom
- EnamorSeptember 27, 2018Enamor
- Typography 6October 5, 2018Typography 6
Typography 6
- Save WaterOctober 20, 2018Save Water
- Kurlon SofaOctober 20, 2018Kurlon Sofa
- TVS Heavy Duty – SikshaOctober 20, 2018TVS Heavy Duty – Siksha
- Kurlon FurnitureOctober 20, 2018Kurlon Furniture
- Kurlon DiningOctober 20, 2018Kurlon Dining
- Deccan ChronicleOctober 20, 2018Deccan Chronicle
- Kurlon – ErasioOctober 20, 2018Kurlon – Erasio
- TVS Heavy Duty WaterOctober 20, 2018TVS Heavy Duty Water
- Kurlon WardrobesOctober 20, 2018Kurlon Wardrobes
- Titan RegaliaOctober 20, 2018Titan Regalia
- Stammer CureOctober 20, 2018Stammer Cure
- Deluux Green TeaOctober 20, 2018Deluux Green Tea
- Be my SantaSeptember 27, 2018Be my Santa
Be my Santa
- Ganesh 2September 25, 2018Ganesh 2
Ganesh 2
- Performax – Sports WearSeptember 27, 2018Performax – Sports Wear
Performax - Sports Wear
- The LumpSeptember 25, 2018The Lump
The Lump
- KolaataSeptember 25, 2018Kolaata
- DogsSeptember 25, 2018Dogs
- StressedSeptember 25, 2018Stressed
- FestivalSeptember 25, 2018Festival
- Love BlrSeptember 27, 2018Love Blr
Love Blr
- SwensensSeptember 27, 2018Swensens
- Poppy PlantSeptember 25, 2018Poppy Plant
Poppy Plant
- GaneshSeptember 25, 2018Ganesh
- PurpSeptember 25, 2018Purp
- Cock FightSeptember 25, 2018Cock Fight
Cock Fight
- NoirSeptember 27, 2018Noir
- Still lifeSeptember 25, 2018Still life
Still life
These are my twin building blocks. Where there’s an idea, there are many possibilities. When there’s a visual thought, there are many expressions.
And they can take any communication form. Unlocking a brand’s visual language, advertising campaigns, TV or digital films, photography, murals, sculptures, illustrations . . . if it can be imagined it can be done.